FlexView Rate Gauge / Tank Level Systems

Safe, Accurate and Cost Effective

FlexView industrial rate gauges have been developed to provide rugged, accurate and safe alternatives to traditional glass tube systems. All wetted parts are made of stainless steel and FlexViews exclusive non-glass tube technology, ensuring a product that will stand up to your industry’s toughest challenges.

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Flexible Design

FlexView gauges provide a visual means for checking the contents of a bulk tank and to confirm the injection rate of your metering pumps. Gauges are stocked in 36 or 48 inch lengths, custom sizes are also available upon request. The gauge is fitted with 1/2 inch MNPT (stainless steel) process connections that are sealed to the vertical column with Teflon® O-rings to ensure a simple, reliable and permanent seal.

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Advanced Technology

What makes FlexView rate gauges so unique is the use of an exclusive flexible column material. This completely eliminates fragile glass columns from the design, putting an end to breakage during ordinary use, maintenance and transport. FlexView tubing is chemically inert and solvent resistant to virtually all chemicals with great optical clarity. The material is designed for long term weatherability (UV Stable) and has excellent anti-stick / low friction properties which eliminate staining and ensure accurate readings in all pump rate applications.

Mechanical Toughness

Flexview technology was designed from the bottom up. The rugged extrusion profile is made of high grade 6061 aluminum. The profile protects the system on three sides and supports the vertical tubing along its entire length. The front of the gauge is protected with a UV stabilized polycarbonate cover.
No press fits or rivets on this gauge! The extrusion ends are mechanically secured with stainless steel bolts to ensure a permanent connection that will not fail over time. Stainless Steel tube inserts add rigidity to the column ends and unlike glass tubing this allows the end compression fittings to be torqued firmly without the fear of breakage.

It's All In The Details

FlexView column material has a maximum pressure rating of 80 PSI and a wide working temperature range of -80°C (-112°F) to 260°C (500°F). All gauges come standard with universal height and calibrated rate scales to ensure a universal fit with all of your end-use applications (custom scale artwork available).

All gauges can be fitted with optional quarter turn stainless steel shut off valves WITH or WITHOUT self closing spring. This adds an extra level of protection to all of your tank gauge installations when required.

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Universal Design

Every gauge is fitted with a UV stabilized ‘No-Leak’ ABS vented cap. This eliminates the need for additional fittings during installation and ensures water does not enter your media stream. True flush mount brackets (x2) and all mounting hardware is provided standard with every gauge, the rigid frame has drill guide markings on the main extrusion profile to make bracket mounting a breeze. Unlike pre-mounted rivet brackets, this ensures you have complete flexibility where the brackets are mounted during installation. Simple and Fast.

Simply Accurate

Injection rates are checked by closing a valve between the rate gauge and supply tank, and simply observing the change in fluid height over ONE MINUTE. Using the calibrated rate scale on the systems cover, simply count the number of marks the fluid level drops in a one minute test period. This will provide you with the actual  injection rate of the connected downstream pump in litres per day.

If a higher pump rate is required the test period can be shortened as needed (E.g. 30, 15 or 10 second test periods)

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Self-Closing Valve Kits

Did you know MCI offers spring return (fail-safe) valve retrofit kits? If you are currently using FlexView gauges or one of MCI’s many skid offerings, it’s now possible to convert all manual valves to a spring return style with one of our convenient, cost effective conversion kits. All kits are field retrofittable without the need to undo fittings or remove the valve from service.